Friday, September 9, 2011

My Top Ten Anime BOYS!

This list is just on my own judgment… and how I see them to deserve on that position. What I've listed below are all my favorite anime prince charming. You'll certainly love all the guys below. =) Enjoy!

The criteria for judgment are:
  1. Kind
  2. Brave
  3. Clever
  4. Good looking
  5. Girls will certainly love
Here they are:


Ichigo Kurosaki – he has those five qualities I’ve listed above and he’s one of my favorites. He is kind and helpful to everyone around him not only to people but also to the nature and spirits as well. He is brave, no doubt about that. Clever, well he always wins in battle no matter how tougher his opponent was. Good looking, well… honestly he is quite typical anime character but he’s attractive in a simple way. And YES! Girls will certainly love this kind of guy… Ask Rukia and Inoue about it! Hehe! 

9. Kaichou maid sama

Takumi Usui – How I adore this anime guy character. He is so simple yet very irresistible. Kind in a way of helping his beloved Misaki from her problems and understanding her all the times. Brave in facing challenges in his life thus he always using his calmness on those times of his life. Clever at his school. Actually in the story he is # ONE in his class and he proves to be extraordinarily talented in number of different fields, including cooking, violin, chess, and table etiquette. Good looking, certainly he is! Very good looking guy that girls the ones confesses to him.

 8.  Wall flower

Kyohei Takano – this guy is quite look like a girl or something but he shows his manly side in times of danger and when he gets serious he became more likable that girls can’t take their eyes off him. He is kind and soft hearted esp. to Sunako that despite of her looks this guy respects her and gives her all of his love. Brave in protecting Sunako in danger and helping his friends in trouble. Clever, well in the anime he is actually bored in attending school but he is clever in a way of making a solution in every problem he is in. Good Looking? Don’t you have eyes? Isn’t he? Hehe! Actually in the anime, girls chases her every time and he has his fans club.

 7. Slam Dunk

Kaede Rukawa I personally like this guy in this anime “Slamdunk!”. Well, I judge this guy as one of cold-hearted guy in the anime but…. deep inside we all know that he’s kind but that just afraid to show his soft side. Being brave at school is out of the league. What I mean whenever he brawls at school and to Sakuragi all the times but his braveness and cleverness will show off inside the basketball court. He is so darn good at the sport that’s why he actually has his fans club too! “Rukawa L_O_V_E!”. Good looking guy that Sakuragi will never ever beats! Haruko certainly will agree with me! Hehe!


Sasuke Uchiha – you know this anime series should change its title! They should made it Sasuke not Naruto! Hehe! Anyways, popularity of Naruto anime series is half mainly because of Sasuke, are you agree? Well, that is because he is so cool and very much good looking than the main character himself. I’m sorry Naruto! LOL! Base on my criteria Sasuke doesn’t seem so kind but he actually is a soft-hearted person who just seeks for revenge. That his mind and heart is focus on that revenge just to defeat his enemies. He is brave on facing his own battle and clever in executing his ninja techniques. Good looking, well of course than Naruto, that ninja girls were all fighting for!

5. La Corda d'Oro primo passo

Len Tsukimori – this guy just deserves for this spot. I’ll tell you why. In anime series he is not quite a kind of guy that you’ll be in love with. He is cold hearted musician that seems not enjoying being with someone until Kahoko his love interest taught him how to love his craft and people around him. You’ll see the improvement of this guy’s attitude and when he smiles it takes your breath away! I love how he cure and help Kahoko when she injured her hand showing his caring and soft side. Len is brave in keeping his heartaches inside and letting it out by means of his violin. He is clever in his field, in music. One of the good looking guy in this series although they’re actually many and Kahoko is very lucky to have them all!

4.  Special A

Kei Takishima if you’re looking for a prince charming then he is the one you’re looking for. Although in the series he is some kind of serious type of guy but when Hikari’s around you’ll definitely like him. Kei has a sweet and gentle character though in the series he just show it to Hikari, whenever Hikari’s in trouble he’s like a knight in shining armour saving his princess in distress. Hikari hates him because he is always no. 1 at their school while Hikari always remain second. He is good in sport and academic plus he is the president of his family’s company. Girls around him falls for him immediately but sadly that his heart only belongs to the girl whom he cares the most and that was Hikari.

  3.  Ghost Fighter

Kurama a.k.a Dennis – he is not that manly type of guy. What I mean is that he’s very lady like and his softness is always showing off all through out the series but being so adorable we can’t say that we don’t like this guy. I love him most when he transforms into his fox side! I think all of his softness fades away when he just transform into his true self. We always see his braveness and cleverness in all of his battle. How he execute his plans and strategies is so amazing. Kind to all the people around him and popular to girls because of his simple but yet irresistible looks.

2. Samurai X

Himura Kenshin – he seems to be an ordinary wonderer but he has something you will adore the most. Being a legendary assassin in a Meiji period, Kenshin begins to find true atonement for his past enabling him to fully conquer his battousai nature. His personality change when he met Kaoru and his friends inside the doujo. He became not a slasher but a hero and respected warrior. No doubt that he has all the characteristic I’ve listed above; kind, brave, clever, good looking and girls will certainly love! I love him most when he shows his battousai image and also when he smiles.

1. Fushi Yuugi

Tamahome my n0. 1 favorite! Tamahome is one of anime character I admired the most. His personality never change in the beginning and the end of the story. You will always see his passion, kind heart, and braveness all through out the story. And his undying love for Miaka will never ever be forgotten. His cool looks and his appeal to girls around him was shown in the series. I just love this anime guy and his will be my forever favorite! Go for Tamahome! =)

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